A RailJet service waits at Wien HBF. What was a bit unsual about this set was the dual Taurus motors shoving the train.
CZ / 196 Linz - Ceske Budejovice (Sp 3804 DONAU MOLDAU) 99 m
ÖBB class 4020 is an EMU built by Simmering-Graz-Pauker. They are slated for retirement by 2030. Note the wave of the driver.
CZ / 196 Linz - Ceske Budejovice (Sp 3800 DONAU MOLDAU) 99 m
A Taurus rushes a freight through Wien Praterkai a great spot for catching trains when in Vienna.
A 1216 shoves a RailJet towards Prague.
REX (Regional Express Trains) are for all purposes glorified locals making fewer stops and are widely seen across Austria.
Summerauerbahn - Summerau - Linz
Regional Express hustles across the Danube. The 1144 class are unique to Austria have been refurbed several times. Known as Alpine Vacuum Cleaners due to the sound of the fans.
A Talent on a local service meets a 1064 with a work train at Wien Praterkai
An 1144 leads a freight across the Danube, Wien Praterkai was a great spot to catch a variety of trains.
Two 1144's help haul a heavy freight up the mountain. In 2032 the base tunnel opens which will remove freight from the mountain route.