Pool is cool! With recently delivered C45AH 8152 on the point an eastbound Z train hustles up main track #3 and into Cajon Summit, trailing the lead motor are a pair of CSX GEs, lending their hors... (more)
A glow in the early morning sun a 5-pack of new Union Pacific ET45AHs fill the cool mountain air with the sound of dynamic brakes, backed up by squealing wheel flanges as a train of 'empty Eugene'... (more)
Carefully dropping down into the San Luis Valley an eastbound Union Pacific auto train highlights the serpentine curves on the approach to Stenner Creek, trading distance for elevation in the Coas... (more)
As the coastal marine layer begins to retreat back towards the Pacific Ocean the morning sun warms the rolling golden hills along California's scenic central coast. Within this picturesque setting... (more)
Crossing over to main track 1 from main track 2 a westbound manifest begins its journey down the western slope of Sherman Hill having topped the summit a few miles back at Dale, WY. Union Switch &... (more)