Heading back to their namesake yard, the Kelly Lake local knocks the snow off while rumbling across the large steel Missabe era trestle along the CN Keenan sub with 6 cars in tow after serving the... (more)
Amtrak no. 14, the northbound Coast Starlight to Seattle at Summerland Ca. The Starlight rolls around Ortega Hill on the hills steep face above the Pacific Ocean.
A Christmas Eve snowstorm produced some significant snowfall in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia. My alarm went off at 0300 Saturday morning to drive down and see what kind of shots I could ge... (more)
"Evening red and morning gray, help the traveller on his way." - says the sailor, and indeed the following day was dark and gray with minor wind. But it was a mayor heatwave (15 degrees ... (more)
Still looking fresh in its Guilford "heritage" paint, MEC 507 is pulling BO-1 into Peabody Square. The Peabody Soldiers and Sailors Monument stands prominently in the square. The monument was dedi... (more)