The UP Troy Grove local heads West on the Geneva Sub. Once the crew reaches Dekalb, they will diverge off of the double main, and take to the branch line for their Southwesterly trek to Troy Grove... (more)
One foot of snow doesn’t stop the UP Troy Grove Local, as UP GP60 1038 busts through one of dozen’s of plow lines on the Troy Grove Branch on a sunny evening.
On a cold Monday afternoon in Elva after a weekend blizzard which left over a foot of snow, the Monday - Friday local that runs on the UP Troy Grove Subdivision busts through one of many snow drif... (more)
LPJ05 busts through 2 feet deep snow drifts on the UP Troy Grove Sub.
UP 1038 leads the Troy Grover south into Earlville.
UP GP60 1038 busts through snow banks at Rollo, already encased in snow from further north.
UP 1038 leads LPJ05 west into Cortland.
UP 1038 leads LPJ05 south while busting through plow lines along the UP Troy Grove Subdivision.
UP 1038 and UPY 709 lead LPJ05 onto the Troy Grove Subdivision on a sunny winter afternoon.
After a foot of snow fell over the weekend, causing there to be no trains on the Troy Grove Sub, Union Pacific’s LPJ05 busts through plow lines in Elva, Illinois.
UP GP60 1038 leads the Troy Grover south through Earlville, busting through plow lines.
UP GP60 1038 leads the Troy Grover south through Elva, busting through plow lines.
UP GP60 1038 leads the Troy Grove local south through Earlville, busting some plow lines.
With the last rays of sun showing above the horizon, UPY 700 and crew have nearly reached their destination of Troy Grove, as they cruise past the grain elevator at Triumph.
The Troy Grove Job rolls over North 4350th Road, in rural Earlville.