Baseball Special! On April 8, 2022, baseball returned to the Bronx for the season. Metropolitan Transportation Authority - MTA NYCT Subway/New York Transit Museum Lo-V 5443 leads through th... (more)
As two of the NYPD's finest stand post at the East 161 Street-Yankee Stadium Station, the New York Transit Museum/MTA NYC Subway Nostalgia train of 1917 era "Lo-Vs" arrives with a train ... (more)
The old and the new. For New York Yankees Opening Day the MTA New York City Transit Subway/New York Transit Museum operated its 1917 IRT Lo-Vs from Grand Central to Yankee Stadium, and they sat o... (more)
Tailgating the Nostalgia Special! In what has become a welcomed annual tradition, for New York Yankees Opening Day the MTA New York City Transit Subway/New York Transit Museum operated its 1917 IR... (more)
New York Yankees Opening Day 2016, take 2! Inclement weather the day before lead to the first Yankee game of the year being postponed. But on 4/5/2016, skies were clear and bright, ready to see th... (more)