With the last rays of sun showing above the horizon, UPY 700 and crew have nearly reached their destination of Troy Grove, as they cruise past the grain elevator at Triumph.
The class unit for the UP GP15-1, UPY 700, switches out the elevator in Triumph, Illinois on the Troy Grove Sub.
LPJ05 approaches Triumph... where they plan to drop a few cars at the elevator.
UP train LPJ05 slows to a stop on the main in Triumph to set out and pick up some hoppers from a grain elevator.
A GP15 & 70m, todays LPJ05, switch Triumph’s elevator... switching & setting out around 6 to 7 cars.
The Troy Grove Local continues its journey to Troy Grove as it rolls through the countryside. The pair of UP GP15-1's shine during that wonderful time called the golden hour.
The crew use a shovel, broom and a blower to clean off packed snow picked up from battling drifts on the line from DeKalb. After clearing the cab, the will make a pickup and continue to the san... (more)
True Heritage is bleeding through in the form of blue paint. UPY 720 was born as Missouri Pacific 1720.
The sometimes-daily Troy Grove train rolls through Triumph after a fresh snowfall.