Distributed Power from Cincy DPUs help this southbound manifest just out of Gest Street Yard. Days earlier, Cincy residents voted to sell the entire line (leased to NS since the 1880s) to ... (more)
Last Licks of Fall & City RR Ownership Just out of Gest Street Yard, this manifest heads south on the Cincinnati Southern, the fourth in 40 minutes on Veteran's Day. Just days earlier, Cinc... (more)
I guess it's GTW at this point. For a solid color this last paint scheme is pretty good. Photo by Dave Petke, from my collection.
Back when GTW had trackage rights into the Cincinnati area it was common to see their units here and on pushers up Erlanger hill. I wonder if CN still technically has those rights. Photo by Dave... (more)
NS "Southern" 4610 sits at the servicing facility at Ludlow Ky.
A southbound unit train exits the Southern bridge and Gest Street Yard over the river in Cincinnati. The Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway (CNO&TP) still leases the Cincinnati Sout... (more)
Running with two locomotives up front and two as a mid-train DPU, a heavy NS manifest freight grinds it's way upgrade out of the Ohio River Valley in Ludlow, Kentucky and crosses over a large tres... (more)
From my collection. Photo by Jim King.
In hazy afternoon sunshine, NS 9476 South creeps across the enormous Cincinnati Southern Bridge into Kentucky
An NS 251 RoadRailer in the foreground fights the hardest part of the seven-mile grade to Erlanger, KY, as a northbound vehicle train comes down the hill into view. The old, unused yard in the for... (more)
Power at the service facility at Ludlow.
Waiting for a signal to proceed into Cincinnati the Nickel Plate heritage unit has lead northbound 78M.
Just 2 miles into its journey to Birmingham, NS 147 crosses the first of many trestles along the CNO&TP with a pair of SD70ACu rebuilds.
Near sunset, NS SD70 No. 2522 leads a 25A though Ludlow, KY. The 25A originates at Calumet Yard in Chicago, and terminates in Danville, KY.