Dublin turn westbound at the WYE
While a light rain is still falling, the setting sun drops below the clouds of the storm front and illuminates the Fort Worth & Western's Cresson turn as it backs its train into the yard in Cresso... (more)
Still on the property
Heading to Cleburne with 21 loads.
Cresson to Cleburne with 21 cars
Dublin Turn WB
FWWR's Cresson Turn nears Cresson, TX as it rolls through the vast Texas countryside. In the distance thunderstorms loom over the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro.
The Cresson Turn arriving Cresson yard limits
Cresson Turn westbound notch 8
Cresson Turn WB
The Cresson Turn arriving yard limits at Cresson
The Cresson Turn WB starting there climb at Notch 8
The Cleburne Turn rolls past a long defunct search light as they depart Cresson for what will undoubtedly be another beat down in Cleburne.
These five SD40-2s are out of Cresson, and on their way to Fort Worth.
A five pack of Fort Worth & Western six axles lead the Cresson to Fort Worth train across the rural Texas landscape.