"Allegra" ABe 8/12 # 3507 of the Rhaetian Railway pulls the regional train 1625 from St.Moritz over the Bernina line to Tirano, over the 21 meter high and 50 meter long Val da Pila viadu... (more)
Railcars ABe 4/4 (TW III) # 52 and # 51 of the Rhaetian Railway in multiple control pull the PE 974 BERNINA EXPRESS from Tirano to St.Moritz over the 21 meter high and 50 meter long Val da Pila vi... (more)
Former Bernina Railway locomotive Ge 4/4 # 81 of the Blonay-Chamby Railroad Museumand railcar ABe 4/4 # 46 of the Rahetian Railway with a R.M. photo charter freight in Cavaglia.
Locomotive Ge 4/4 # 81 (or BB # 81) of the Blonay-Chamby Railroad Museum, built in 1916 by SLM and BBC for the then independent Bernina Railway as Ge 2x3/3 (later Ge 6/6) # 81, is back on the old ... (more)
Railcars ABe 4/4 # 53 and # 52 of the Rhaetian Railway in multiple control are pulling regional train 4629 from St.Morritz over the Bernina pass to Tirano. The train is crossing the 50 meter long ... (more)