A Union Pacific manifest freight enters Little Gore Canyon east of Radium, Colorado, on August 21, 2014. Former Southern Pacific GE AC4400CW No. 6404 leads five more UP six-motors as power for the... (more)
UP 6404 is the dpu on a westbound manifest.
Shielded- Overzealous UP mechanical people have made sure that nobody mistakes this SP AC for its past owner, although the bloody nose is hard to mistake. UP 6404 leads the charge over the top of ... (more)
After the DPU failed on the CGMWF coal train, the crew uncouples from the train to go pick up a new DPU.
That's a lot of power for a 5 car train (Behind me about 200 yards away, some boys decided to lay a bunch of track nails on the rails. Their Mom caught them and I got to see a "public spanking". ... (more)