Skirting the Pacific Ocean between rain cells is BNSF Railway train O-LACSDG1-21A is about done with its deadhead trip from Los Angeles (actually, Commerce, a few miles southeast of downtown LA) to San Diego, from which it will operate a round-trip to Oceanside for shippers the next day. This train has a pair of 25th Anniversary engines, one on each end – BNSF ES44AC 5828 up front, and ES44AC 6017 on the rear, with 7 cars from the Railway’s business car fleet: Power car 51 Mt Rainier, business car 63 Glorieta Pass, business car 6 Topeka, sleeping car 67 Trinchera Pass, business car 4 Missouri River, dining car 10 Lake Superior and full-length dome/lounge 31 Carl R Ice. (Del Mar, California – February 21, 2022)