Approximately one hour before takedown, Walter, the station's Solari board operator began to display some long gone train names on the board. Only programmed names could be shown, and alas nobody ... (more)
The waiting room of 30th Street Station is bathed in fleeting rays of sunlight on the Solari board's final day. More photos of the board and its takedown can be found here: Railroad:Amtrak Locomotive:none Location:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Locomotive #:Unknown Train ID:Unknown Photo Date: January 26, 2019
Trenton Makes, the World Takes. Amtrak Northeast Regional train number 125 departs Trenton for Philadelphia, with the Lower Trenton Bridge (bearing the famous line across it) is visible in the bac... (more)
Last night in the info booth. 30th Street Station information desk Clerk Pat K. poses in front of the Solari departure board at night on January 2nd. On January 3rd work was scheduled to begin ins... (more)