Good Light, Good Scenery, and a Train
Album created by member Lee Kirchhoff | Album Views: 65,573 | Landscape photography is difficult due to the challenge of combining good light and good scenery. Good railroad photography enters another level of complexity since it requires the first two while there is a train in view. |
Stunning Steam
Album created by member Ted Harrison | Album Views: 36,205 | Images of steam locomotives that are nothing short of stunning! |
Album created by member Ronnie Schnepf | Album Views: 81,901 | Just the right blend of atmosphere and classic technology |
Album created by member ollie | Album Views: 84,231 | Artistic scenes of trains |
Album created by member coco13cos | Album Views: 3,540,624 | Over 50.000 of RP's most appreciated and beautiful photos. |
Nocturnal Nuances: Sunset To Sunrise & All Through The Night!
Album created by member Dana M. | Album Views: 495,972 | A continuously growing album of photos that IMHO reveal the awesome and seldom-seen beauty of the railroad world from the dimming of day to dawn's early light! From dusk to dawn, trains roll on! (I'm still finding gems of sunset-to-sunrise surprises!) |
Fireworks - Lightning - Sparks
Album created by member John Doughty | Album Views: 90,892 | Sparks fly over the railroads from celebration fireworks, maintenance and repair "sparks", locomotive exhaust fireworks, and nature's light show. |