CSX No.5478 pulls a doublestack container train through the former Tilford Yard in north Atlanta. In the meantime, to my horror, all the rails and tracks have been removed there.
A friendly engine driver in the driver's cab of this first generation ICE. This will shortly reach Basel SBB to continue to Zurich after a change of direction. The journey that began in Hamburg-Al... (more)
Entry of the local train from Frick to Basel SBB in Pratteln. It is a special film of the 521 017 "Muttenz" which also goes by the name "Canary". In the background the old sign... (more)
BLS Cargo 193 425 pulls its Ambrogio swap body train towards Switzerland. This is a Vectron from Siemens Mobility. However, under the name "425 193" there is also a BLS series RE 4/4 loc... (more)