Q 116 with an odd ball leader crosses Main Street in Battle Creek as it heads for the Yard. Q 116 is normally a through train in BC but today it has a substantial pickup for Flat Rock.
Q116 pulls a block of Racks off the train for a double before is heads for Moterm and Flat Rock Yard.
A collection of relics as Q 116 Passes through Battle Creek Yard. The KCSM 4554 passes by the " New Lead " in Battle Creek where Yard Power sits. Q 116 will add more Autoracks from an E ... (more)
Q 116 Passes by the Amtrak Platform in Royal Oak on the CN Holly Sub on its way to work MOTERM.
The CN 8856 leads East over the Battle Creek River. Q 116 with the Racks on the Head End heads for Flat Rock, " The Level Pebble".
A view from the Second Unit of Q 116 as it rolls through Lansing, Michigan. In Deadhead status you get to enjoy the scenery passing by. Out the Right Hand side of the cab is the now retired coal b... (more)
Deadhead status in the CN 2508. This day I had to Pilot the Flat Rock crew from west of Battle Creek as the previous train expired. After Battle Creek it was an Amtrack Ride to the "Level Peb... (more)