After a washout shut down NS's Lake Erie District, NS detoured trains over CSX between Ashtabula and Buffalo. Here, NS 309 travels as CSX X803 as it passes under the classic signal bridge at CP 83... (more)
After torrential thunderstorms overnight, a washout occurred on the Norfolk Southern Lake Erie District near North East, PA. NS detoured trains over the CSX main between Buffalo, NY and Ashtabula,... (more)
Now CSX and BPRR are pooling power on both moves (CSX from New Castle to Glenwood, BPRR from Glenwood to Butler). X803 is now headed west towards Glenwood Yard.
Now CSX and BPRR are pooling power on both moves (CSX from New Castle to Glenwood, BPRR from Glenwood to Butler). Here, the X803 power just coupled on to the train between Demmler & Braddock.
Now CSX and BPRR are pooling power on both moves (CSX from New Castle to Glenwood, BPRR from Glenwood to Butler). Here, the X803 power is lite, running around the train between Demmler & Braddock... (more)