AT&SF train 21, El Capitan, is assisted on Raton Pass at Wootton Colorado in 1938. EMC 1 number 6 and five cars trail behind the 2-10-2. Otto Conrad Perry photo, from my collection.
Santa Fe train number 21, El Capitan, is ascending Raton Pass west of Trinidad Colorado in 1946. Otto Conrad Perry photo, from my collection.
AT&SF train 21, El Capitan, is seen near Trinidad Colorado in 1939. Otto Perry photo, from my collection.
El Capitan, AT&SF train 21, is seen descending on the west side of Raton Pass near Lynn New Mexico, on January 16th 1944. Note the wartime headlight visor on E6 13. Otto Perry photo, from my colle... (more)
ATSF train 21, El Capitan, is seen near La Junta Colorado on June 5th 1938. Otto Perry photo, from my collection.
ATSF 920 and ATSF 6 lead train 21, El Capitan, west of Starkville in 1938. Otto Perry photo, from my collection.
An eleven car El Capitan, ATSF 21, is seen on the move at 60 MPH, east of Trinidad in 1940. Otto Perry photo, from my collection.
ATSF 1695 is assisting ATSF EMC E6 number 13 with an eight car El Capitan, in 1942. Otto Conrad Perry photo, from my collection.
ATSF train number 21, El Capitan, is seen near Wootton Colorado in 1944. ATSF 1797 and ATSF E6, number 13, have thirteen cars in tow doing 25 MPH on rugged Raton Pass. Otto Conrad Perry photo from... (more)
ATSF 920 and EMC E1 number 6 lead train 21, a five car El Capitan doing 35 MPH on the east side of Raton Pass near Starkville Colorado, in 1938. Otto Conrad Perry photo from my collection.