Layover at Bagdad - [2013 Winter Solstice +1 Series] - An eastbound stack train rolls past the debris from the August 24, 2013, derailment at Bagdad California where a number of empty cars ... (more)
Late Afternoon at Klondike - [Winter Solstice Series 2017 ] - A westbound stack train crosses the steel bridge at Klondike and prepares to round the turn towards Ash Hill.
[Plate 700] "Entering the Chute" - [Winter Solstice Series 2017 ] -With the steel bridge at Klondike in the background just before the bend in the track, an eastbound manifest train enter... (more)
East Switch at Ash Hill Siding - [Winter Solstice 2017 Series] - A National City bound auto train approaches the crest of Ash Hill from it's 24 mile and 1000+ foot climb from Amboy, out of ... (more)