After a washout shut down NS's Lake Erie District, NS detoured trains over CSX between Ashtabula and Buffalo. Here, NS 309 travels as CSX X803 as it passes under the classic signal bridge at CP 83... (more)
After torrential thunderstorms overnight, a washout occurred on the Norfolk Southern Lake Erie District near North East, PA. NS detoured trains over the CSX main between Buffalo, NY and Ashtabula,... (more)
Train 275 heads under the "Cumberland Chair" intermediate signal bridge. These GRS signals are long gone now, replaced with Safetrans, forever changing the look of the CNO&TP. Interesting to not... (more)
With a train of mostly new bethgons in tow, a pair of C40-9W's lead westbound empty coal train 756 around the classic and familiar face of a N&W CPL located at Sprigg on the Pocahontas District.
NS 820 cruises East along the old Virginian towards Roanoke on a sunny Fall morning.
A southbound heads into the cut near Keno, KY as fall colors adorn the hillsides.
On a rainy afternoon, NS 38Q meets his counterpart 37Q in the siding at Duncan, this siding was first constructed in the early 90s and is the longest siding on the District.
Southbound at Race St. with a depressed flat car with a transformer , behind the engines.
A loaded coal train is crossing the left fork of Ben Creek as it decends the steep grade coming off the Gilbert Branch of The Pokey.
NS 9126 leads it's train south through Davis in Suger Valley, Georgia. The three crosses to the right stand to remember the men that died in a head - on collision at this location on August 9, 19... (more)