Trains from the deep mines at Lijing and Erjing can run up to several times each day. JS8366 is rolling down the grade from Erjing to Nanzhan with a loaded coal train on 17th Feburary 2017, the Ti... (more)
In the morning light of a cold clear February day in 2015, JS8173 leads the first of many coal trains out of the big pit. In the next 10 hours of sunlight, JS8173 will haul 8 more loaded coal trai... (more)
In the waning light of a gloriously cold and clear February day, JS #8173 storms through the Big Curve on the way out of the opencast pit coal mine at Sandaoling. This train is one of many 1300 to... (more)
JS 8173 slips and stalls again while lifting a heavy loaded coal train up the 2%+ out of the Opencast Pit at Sandaoling. This train has been stalled on the steepest part of the grade for almost 30... (more)
While most loaded trains at the Sandaoling Coal Railway, make it up the tough 2%+ grade with only minor wheelslip, JS #8173 had alot tougher time on January 21st. This train was severely overloade... (more)