The classic combination of five Tunnel Motors, 5367, 5377, 5359, 5412 and 5364, run into the siding at Yarmony with an eastbound coal, to cross SRS144 track inspection car.
DRGW work train near Helper, Utah.
A pair of SD40T-2s and two SD50s shove a heavy 126 lumber train east through Spanish Fork Canyon on Sept. 7, 1987.
Rio Grande train No. 136 navigates the Soldier Creek fill at Gilluly on June 14, 1987. With any luck, ailing SP SD40T-2 No. 8300 will contribute to the effort on the final 10 mile climb to Soldier... (more)
A nice four back of EMD motors shove hard on Rio Grande lumber drag #126, heading east through Spanish Fork Canyon approaching Rio.
Flash back over 27 years from sees 5367 5377 5359 5412 and 5364 on an eastbound coal approaching Yarmony siding in February 1982.
With brakes sizzling after the severe decent off the Craig branch, an eastbound loaded coal train runs through Orestod, east of Bond behind 5367 5377 5359 5412 5364 in February 1982.
An eastbound coal off the Craig branch approaches State Bridge behind 5367 5377 5359 5412 and 5364 in February 1982.
5367 5377 5359 5412 5364 slowly plod though Little Gore Canyon with an eastbound coal at the end of February 1982.