As the sun is arising from the horizon on 7 A.M., a class Hr1 pacific number 1021 is puffing gloriously to Helsinki. From there it will serve as a train which caries visitors to railway museum day... (more)
Probably one of the last fully loaded ammonia wagons from Russia with two class Dr16 diesel locomotives climbing the hill of Kortteinen. The train from Niirala border went to Yara? factory. Origin... (more)
A pair of class Dr16s are ready to haul 46 empty Russian tanker cars, judging by the smoke coming from the exhaust pipe of the first locomotive.These wagons will be delivered to Joensuu which is l... (more)
Last tanker cars coming from Russia. Due to the recent conflict in Ukraine and sanction established by the western countries, freight train number 4678 has been usually canceled most of the time f... (more)
Timber train from Iisalmi station to Pieksämäki rail yard with class Sr1 electric locomotive and 24 timber wagons. These wagons will be delivered further South in few days.