"Lötschberger" RABe 535 # 115 and "Nina" RABe 525 # 023 of the BLS in multiple control are running the S44 service 16453 from Thun via Belp-Bern-Burgdorf-Ramsei to Sumiswald-Grünen, between Seft... (more)
"MIKA" train RABe 528 # 126 of the BLS is entering Brig, running the RE1 4265 from Bern via Thun-Spiez-Lötschberg mountain line-Brig to Domodossola/Italy. On the right is Re 4/4 (Re 425... (more)
"Icehockey train" RABe 515 # 008 of the BLS is running train 15158 of the line S1 from Thun via Bern to Fribourg, between Kiesen and Wichtrach, with the bernese alps in the background.
Re 4/4 # 178 "Schwarzenburg" of the BLS in Visp. The 4980 kW locomotive was built in 1972 by SLM and BBC and scrapped in december 2021. On the left 1 meter gauge diesel shunter of the Matterhorn-G... (more)