D&RGW 478 works it's train through the cut at Rockwood before stopping to drop off passengers. Soon it will be on its way home.
Putting on a good show, #478 blasts a column of smoke while approaching the famous 'High Line' and Horseshoe Curve.
The early train departing Durango bound for Silverton.
Night Session at the Durango Roundhouse
Early spring sunshine on a photo freight. Is it 1937 or 2007?
478 percolates gently in the late afternoon sun at Rockwood with a wintertime photo charter.
D&SNG 478 and 480 sit silently in the engine house, 478 is still being worked on since the last time I was there a month earlier, but now rests on her drivers, complete with new tires. 478, sti... (more)