My first shot of a DB-Cargo-Vectron! Brand-new 193 325 heads a southbound intermodal through the Main Valley near Karlstadt.
193 468 from SBB Cargo International passes Swiss-German border between Jestetten (D) and Neuhausen (CH) with a northbound intermodal.
193 805 and 804 in TnT head RE 4807 from Sonneberg to Nuremberg
SBB Cargo 193 256 (leased from ELL) passes Jestetten area with a southbound intermodal.
ELL Vectron 193 218 hired by SETG heads a southbound container train near Wernfeld.
193 672 from MRCE Dispolok heads a southbound intermodal through the Main Valley.
193 291 from ELL heads a southbound intermodal through the Main Valley near Wernfeld.
WLC 193 243 (leased from ELL) heads a southbound container train through the Main Valley near Wernfeld.
193 664 & 189 910 from Lokomotion head a southbound intermodal through Aßling station.
193 815 from VTG Rail Logistics (leased from Railpool) heads a southbound mixed freight through the Main Valley.
193 257 & 256 from SBB Cargo International head a northbound intermodal to Schaffhausen
Brand new BLS Cargo 475 408 heads a rake of empty flatbed cars from Singen to Bâle.
193 824 from Railpool heads a rake of autoracks northbound along the river Main.
DB Cargo 193 860 (rented from MRCE) is on the way from Stuttgart to Rottweil with a rake of container wagons, loaden with excavation material from the Stuttgart-21 tunnel project.