Seen here, Amtrak's eastbound Southwest Chief makes its way past a lone semaphore signal, knocking it down in the process. Located in Los Cerrillos, NM this is one of several located in the area.
The Empire Builder departs Union Depot nearly 13 hours late with a reverse consist and no baggage car. A pair of Wisconsin derailments at Alma and Watertown forced Amtrak to get creative g... (more)
The snow is coming down at a rather rapid pace as Amtrak Regional train 84 is seen just moments from making his station stop in Fredericksburg. Meanwhile, the Conductor for the local is seen on th... (more)
Amtrak's Southwest Chief passes the semaphores at Colmor on its westbound journey. With recent efforts to replace the semaphores around Watrous proceeding and a question looming regarding Amtrak ... (more)