The Missouri Pacific Heritage unit basks in the evening Orange County sun after bringing the Anaheim Hauler in from West Colton last night. The locomotive will spend another night here before its ... (more)
The Missouri Pacific Heritage unit takes a rest at the wye in Anaheim after shuttling loads from West Colton to Orange County overnight Saturday. The unit is scheduled to lead the Hauler out of An... (more)
A tardy Southwest Chief maneuvers its way down Cajon Pass as the sun casts daylight onto the surrounding landscape. Much of the foliage has withered away over the dry winter, with only one signifi... (more)
Pieces from one of the dismantled reactors at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station take a ride on the Schnable railcar, shielded by a giant cement cylinder. Here, the move is seen crawling along ... (more)