CN's Q101 crosses the Little Saskatchewan River valley as it approaches the town of Rivers.
An eastbound manifest with four units, one being a GMD1, makes it's way through Grant's Cut enroute to Winnipeg.
VIA's "Canadian" departs the Rivers area for Winnipeg and points east.
A SD90MAC and a red barn lead grain loads into the yard at Rugby Jct.
CP 9358 heads for Winnipeg at last light.
CP 9354 waits at Marquette for a westbound intermodal.
An eastbound intermodal passes through High Bluff.
CP's 299 departs the Winnipeg area for points west and some rather stormy weather.
A westbound intermodal passes through Oakville.
VIA's westbound "Canadian" arrives in Winnipeg.
VIA's westbound "Canadian" blasts through Oakville with 3 units and 28 cars.
GEs wait for their next assignments.
A westbound manifest crosses the Assiniboine River.
Sulfur loads depart Giroux after a meet with a westbound intermodal.
A westbound intermodal heads through Giroux.