In the Mtn State RR & Logging Historical Assoc's restoration shop, the drive shaft of a 70-ton model Climax is being turned on a lathe. I would encourage you to visit (more)
Shay 4 works the light grade up the Leatherbark Creek valley about a half mile after leaving Cass in the pouring rain. The 4 is a 70-ton model Shay built in 1922 and came to Cass around 1940 where... (more)
If a switchstand could tell its story, I certainly wouldn't mind hearing the tales this one could tell. A story of one of the busiest lumber mills in WV, of countless Shays treading soft overhead ... (more)
The heart of the old logging operation at Cass was this mill built in 1922 after the original 1902 mill was destroyed by fire. The "new" mill ran until 1960, and it too burned in the early 1980s. ... (more)
In a volcanic fury of smoke and screaming high pitched 3 chime whistle, 106 year old Shay 5 does what she was built to do as she storms out of the woods on a comparatively light grade and prepares... (more)