In the early evening light, CSX W226, with a former Clinchfield SD40 leading, slowly glides under the former Chicago and Northwestern "Type E" signals that are still directing traffic to... (more)
After assembling its train, the former Soo Line GP38-2 pulls past the B12 signal bridge in Franklin Park with quite a big IM1 behind it. With only a handful of these locomotives left on the roster... (more)
With locomotive 8030 shoving, the conductor clings on to the tail end of train 280 as they roll past B12 in Franklin Park preparing to double up the consist. 280 would leave Bensenville Northbound... (more)
16 years after the beginning of the lease, BC Rail is still going strong...
After a long wait for a crew on the BRC, BCOL #4617 roars through River Grove, IL on the CP Elgin sub in perfect ligh... (more)
When people think of ALCo diesels, they probably think of something like this:
With the Illinois Railway Museum's coach train underway, GB&W 2407, commonly nicknamed the "alligator", ... (more)