The Willow Springs, IL to Los Angeles, CA UPS train charges out of the sag of Pica as it begins the climb up Yampai Hill. Normally, these Z-WSPLACs are short, hotshot trains. Today however, the Z-... (more)
12,000 tons of Galesburg, IL merchandise descends down the 1% grade between Valentine and Hackberry as four GE locomotives (3x1) keep the heavy train under control under stormy skies.
A NS rebuilt GE AC44C6M, #40442, leads a Barstow-bound military train though Kingman Canyon as it descends down the steeper (1.8% grade) Main Track #1.
A Willow Springs, IL to San Bernardino, CA Z3 passes the Z-LACWSP1 as they both negotiate the tight curves of Crozier Canyon. Spring rain showers have brought out some hint of greenery to Arizona'... (more)
The DP locomotives of an empty coal train make their way north on Main Track #2 as a southbound loaded coal train slowly moves on Main Track #1 at Spruce. The loaded coal train is led by a pair of... (more)