A70-T381-N463-N464-S312-S311 with an SSR grain train from Piangil unloading at Appleton Dock.
A66-N452 with a 707 Operations heritage special from Ballarat at Newport.
A66 with a 707 Operations heritage special from Ballarat returns empty to Newport.
Seymour Railway Heritage Centre's trio of bulldogs, A60, S307 & B74 are seen on display at the Seymour Railway Heritage Centre Open weekend. These three locomotives represent 3 different eras of r... (more)
V/Line Victoria's A66 is seen working a Steamrail Victoria shuttle from Warragul near Drouin, with steam loco A2 986 at the rear.
V/Line Victoria's A66 is seen working a Steamrail Victoria shuttle from Bendigo near Woodvale
Heritage A class units A66-A62 depart Southern Cross Station for Newport with a charter train from northern Victoria.
A class tram 295 runs a route 70 service from Wattle Park along Batman Avenue.
A class tram 260 running a route 48 service to Victoria Harbour heads west along Wellington Parade.
A66-N473-P12-P15-N468-N462 running light to Newport Workshops from South Dynon.
A class tram 293 runs a route 48 service along Docklands Drive.
A66-T382-T378 with a heritage charter to Warrnambool approach North Geelong.
A66-N467 with a 707 Operations heritage special from Charlton pass through West Footscray.
A class tram 250 leads a line of route 12 and 109 services west along Victoria Parade.
A66-A62 arrive at Southern Cross Station with a 707 Operations heritage special from Sea Lake.