66506 hauls a coal train through Hatfield Station.
47847/815 York - Minehead speical.
66114 passes with a loaded plasmoor train heading for Bow, London.
66240 on a coal train.
Class 31's one of the oldest diesel loconotives still in action on the mainline, they have been around since the late 1950's and still going strong as 31105/452 work a Test train at Doncaster runn... (more)
20's on a watercannon trip
Freightliner 66560 catches the sun as it passes with a loaded coal train.
60059 the last remaing class 60 with full Loadhaul black and orange Brandings gets a turn on the Immigham - Doncaster Belmont yard enterprise.
66554 on a coal as the sun goes down acros South Yorkshire.
66545 passes DOncaster on a coal train.
37405 changes points into the depot after working 6D78 a very rare loco on this today!!!!!!!!!
A class 66 heads south through Doncaster Station on a coal train.
66720 on the 4L78 liner.
A class 66 passes Doncaster with a coal train.