A light loco move from South Dynon to Tottenham Yard consisting of B80-P17-P15-S317-P12 passes through South Kensington.
N466 with a short grain consist from Kensington to Tottenham Yard.
K190 with a Steamrail Victoria heritage special from Geelong at South Kensington.
Newly delivered Vlocity set 3VL117 leads the 2.30pm Geelong line service through South Kensington.
G512-VL360 with 9476 up Maryvale freight at South Kensington.
B80-B76-S317 with an empty SSR grain train from Kensington to Tottenham Yard.
B76-B75 with a loaded grain train from Tottenham Yard to Kensington.
New VLocity set 3VL109 leads a Geelong line service through South Kensington.
N464 hauling a single passenger carriage to Newport Workshops approaches South Kensington.
Three N class loco's running light from Geelong to Southern Cross pass through South Kensington.
VL357-VL351 coast through South Kensington with 9476 up Maryvale paper train.
K183 heading home to Newport after a day of running heritage shuttles between Flinders Street and Sunshine.
T381 leading an SSR works train from Warragul passes through South Kensington.
N467 with an afternoon commuter service to Bacchus Marsh at South Kensington.
N453 with an afternoon service to Warrnambool passes through South Kensington.