3105, 3004, 3114 and 3011 approach Edwards with #32 eastbound freight.
An eastbound Southern Pacific coal train curves through Edwards, Colorado, on September 5, 1995. Located on the Tennessee Pass route, the town of Edwards is about eleven miles west of Minturn in t... (more)
Union Pacific train AROAS is just a few miles away from arriving at Minturn CO for a crew change. UP SD9043MAC 8124 is just a few weeks old here, and Union Pacific will close the Tennessee Pass li... (more)
5412, 5407, 5388, 5394 and 5375 approach Edwards on #788 eastbound coal in late December 1981.
In a lash-up that could be from over ten years earlier, 3008, 3050, 5338 and 3021 swing an eastbound freight through Edwards on a rather dull day in November 1981. Of note, is that the red house i... (more)
A very cold, overcast and miserable day in December 1981 is brightened a little with the appearance of 5412 5407 5388 5394 and 5375 on #788 eastbound coal on the approach to Edwards. The three hel... (more)
With the locomotive heat haze contrasting with the frigid surroundings, 3105 3004 3114 and 3011 round the curve at Edwards with #32 eastbound freight.
5348 3119 3064 3098 wheel westbound #71 freight through Avon in January 1982
With all units in original livery, 5325 3064 3040 3072 lead an eastbound freight through Edwards heading for Minturn.