Regular afternoon autoracks Q217 and Q249 are no strangers to having interesting power. Case and point with today's 217 with an ex-Conrail C40-8W and trailing SD40-2.
Catching the last rays of sun before it ducks behind the hills surrounding Harpers Ferry. The Capitol Limited blasts out of the tunnel and slows for its regular station stop. Notice the high water... (more)
Amtrak's eastbound Capitol Limited departs historic Harpers Ferry, WV, on a cool fall morning, as seen from the Loudon Heights overlook.
Harper's Ferry, WV 10/26/2012 - On a foggy and misty fall morning, eastbound manifest Q-398 is on the mainline crossing the Potomac River. In the foreground, an older bridge that once also carried... (more)
Harper's Ferry, WV 8/31/2012 - At 10:37 p.m., the full moon casts a bright glow across this famous Civil War town as loaded autoracks race across the Potomac River behind CSX Q-226 and the Winches... (more)
Amtrak's Capital Limited stops to pick up a few passengers heading west to Chicago.