Southbound empty autos
UP 4665 and a Big MAC lead the eastbound UP transfer back to Proviso Yard.
UP's short lived Long Beach to Stockton unit asphalt train works up the North slope of Tehachapi Pass at Warren in the late afternoon.
Running late due to issues with some of the trailers, ZCHEM crosses Fall Creek Pond.
A neat looking old truck makes for a nice outline as this westbound freight train starts into Ogden.
This hot little intermodal, KMNOA 19, scoots across the bridge at Fountain and makes a B-line for Dupo.
UP4665, UP3921 pull round Tehachapi Loop and approach Tunnel 10, southbound stack train. 10.05Hrs
UP4665, UP3921 cross Claiente Creek trestle on the approaches to Tehachapi Loop, southbound stack train, 09.55hrs