Posted by Skip Salmon on December 24, 2004 
Glad to see something from the fallen flag Virginian Railway still exists.
Posted by vgn700 on December 26, 2004 
The crane could just as well be a ''stork'' delivering a new ''baby''. And the new "parents" at Victoria, Virginia, a town born of the Virginian Railway itself, couldn't be better expectant parents. This is a beautiful photo of a happy event, Mr. Salmon.
Posted by Bob Moore on December 27, 2004 
So you want to save a caboose & bring it to your hometown? Here's an excellent view of how it's done! Just remember, this photo represents the culmination of many days of hard work, hours of fundraising and TEAMwork. Ask the folks in Victoria, VA. If they can do it, so can you - if you want it bad enough. Bob Moore
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