Posted by Seva on December 25, 2021 
Is that a huge pile of salt on the left? Won't it all dissolve when it rains?
Posted by Dan I. on December 25, 2021 
As a retired long distance truck driver, I made countless container pick-ups and drop-offs at Pier F along with the other piers there in Long Beach. There is constant movement by trains, trucks, cranes, and ships all the time. I have seen the BNSF here and Pacific Harbor Line locomotives at other piers quite a few times and usually they are handling stack trains as pictured above. There are usually a lot of trucks waiting in line to either pick-up or drop a container. I could not even guess how many containers there are at this location - 4,000 plus probably. You will see the majority of them on the trains as pictured on their way to be transferred to another railroad or onto a truck trailer. A person would be amazed at all the action going here - trains, ships, cranes, and trucks - all working together in harmony.
Posted by Markus Bärtschi on December 29, 2021 
"It never rains in Southern California", was the title of a song :)
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