Posted by D.Carleton on June 26, 2020 
So when are the F40s getting matching paint?
Posted by Dan I. on June 27, 2020 
Wow, I missed seeing the train going by my house. I reside alongside the KD Subdivision tracks which is behind my home. Those execs must have got a good view of upper East Tennessee scenery along the tracks. It is beautiful no doubt about it and somewhat isolated.and not polluted with human contact, traffic, or buildings at all. I will sometimes walk the tracks back in the wilds. It is just you, the tracks, and the forest. You see things like streams, animals, plant life and so forth while walking the tracks that you would not normally see from a car. Again, very isolated. Everything is peaceful and quiet until you begin hearing that deep diesel growl penetrating the woods and the screeching of steel wheels making contact with the sides of the rails. And then, those big blue and yellow CSX locomotives appear thundering past you in Notch 8 and the smell of burnt diesel fuel permeates the air.
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