Posted by Scott Cunningham on February 17, 2020 
Lots of nice buildings today Bill, and this one has been nicely weathered....!
Posted by SES on February 23, 2020 
I was able to visit this area almost 10 years later in April 1989 on a trip to the West side of the state. The track was long gone, along with the station, catenary poles and code lines. There was a huge pile of tie plates near the station site and I think the water tower near the end of where the Wye track once ran was still standing. The bridge approach had not been barricaded yet, but we didn't venture out too far on the deck. It was really windy that day and I recall people saying it wasn't uncommon for the gusts to get strong enough to blow a railcar off the track so we just played it safe. That bridge was really long, too.
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