Posted by beano on November 16, 2019 
How nice. I wasn't aware that Elk loved trains so much. Mom and Dad brought the tribe with them. Maybe the crew throws them some treats. Or the conductor looks in his lunchbox and finds another meatloaf sandwich that is about tree weeks old that his wife was trying to feed the hungry dog but when the dog smelled it the dog just whimpered and went to his corner by the fireplace and started crying. The engineer is wondering W-T-H is the conductor gonna do,is he gonna eat that.The smell is overwellming the locomotive starts to belch and shake. The conductor decides to pitch the meatloaf sandwich and the locomotive starts to calm down . The engineer smiles as his eyes return to normal from the previous cross-eyed position and the world is beautiful. Yes I think this photo is really we are family friendly. Nice.
Posted by Grew up on the CW on November 18, 2019 
My first thought when seeing this picture was.... "Caribou!!!" (Polar Express) Just missing long hair bearded Fireman out front :)
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