Posted by `LTEX1417 on December 20, 2018 
Great image, I love the older stuff like this. B&O and L&N (and I'm guessing others) were all more tolerant back then.
Posted by Tom Keeping on December 20, 2018 
According to my dear, late friend Ray Sabo, he and some friends went to the Colonie shops in the 1970's. He says that they were told that if they paid one dollar "for admission" they would "give you the place." That was one of the most treasured memories he had. I was still in California, so I missed out.
Posted by Ringo Clark - on December 21, 2018 
I remember circa 1969-1970 wandering around the SP Roseville Yards and even climbing onboard a C630 and getting a ride thru the washrack from an employee and nobody said anything other than don't touch anything inside the cab and don't get in the way. Way more relaxed, but then, so was life back then
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