Glad you got her in this scheme, which I missed. 2101 was the first Superpower steam that I saw in action, dressed as AFT 1 at Cly, PA in July of 1976. I could not believe the shotgun-like blasts of her exhaust, which was unlike anything that I had ever heard.
I missed 2101 when she was adorned in AFT livery. When I was young, AFT #1 went through my neighborhood very late at night and mom didn't wake me. I did get to ride 2101 back in the 70's and it too was my first super power steam train. You are right B. Kise, her stack talk was something I still remember (and the cinder I got in my eye). Thanks for the memories Mr. Lilly - the Chessie colors certainly looked good on the 2101.
That locomotive - and its consist in those colors almost negate the need for a sunny day with blue skies. Wild shot. Does not look like any part of Lansdale I recognize today!