Posted by Sid Vaught on July 25, 2017 
Great shot from a perspective many ignore. No "tourist" cars in evidence.
Posted by Kevin Madore on July 25, 2017 
I'll also put in a plug for the Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad. Without their volunteer efforts to keep up the infrastructure and the rolling stock, particularly the freight cars, we would not have this treasure to visit and appreciate. Photos such as Nick's image here are a testament to the unsung heroes, some of whom travel great distances every summer to help keep the narrow gauge alive. We can only hope that some of the love will rub off on the kids today, and that there will be another generation to carry on this work, when the present generation is no longer able. Nick, if this was your first visit to the narrow gauge, I am here to tell you that it is addictive. I'll be there again later this summer....for the upteenth time!
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