Posted by bradley on May 11, 2017 
Now's here's one we don't see too often. Got to admit, that I really was unaware of the Tweetsie, other than knowing it was some sort of tourist operation "back east". I'm sure some bristle at the thought of the narrow gauge engine dolled up and pulling kids around a theme park, but I love it. Hopefully it may introduce kids to something that's not electronic, and actually get them outdoors for a time. I also admire the vision of the Tweetsie's founders and directors to not simply rely on a bunch of old timers wanting to come out and ride a steam train around the loop. Making it a family destination, based on not only the train but the history, is great. Railroads were built to provide service at a profit, it seems to me that Tweetsie has figured out what service to provide to make the profit to keep the train running.
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