Posted by beano on February 13, 2022 
Great telephoto shot of the KC bottoms. Lot of great angles there and railroad lines 360 degrees arown. I was driving arown this area in the late summer a few years back and it was about 100 degrees hot n almost the same in humidity and actually I was parked under a shady big ole tree just watching trains doing their duties when I noticed this black dog slowly very slowly moseyn over to this old 40 ft. Missouri Pacific piggybacker trailer that hadn't been moved in ages. Man, it was hot out, this dog was incredibly fat and dragging her swaying teets on the hot pavement and its hair all matted up and cockleburrs stuck to its hair. I thought to myself Im gonna turn on the AC BUT DIDNT because the dog hadn't noticed I was just watching her. I felt even hotter as it was about 4 pm the heat of the day. So im watching all this from the drivers rolled down window and doggie swaddles thru some lush green grass and settles down an all of a sudden about a half dozen black furry little creatures attack her. I could see all the commotion cause thats just the way it was and it was under that 40 ft. MP trailer rear doolies. Mom was home and you could hear an see all her pups getting fed as a faint whisp of wind blew thru my windows and headed Moms way. I will always remember that KC- West Bottoms Missouri Safari scene. You know that MOM spelled upside down is. Thanks Mike. Just thought I could share a story with everyone.
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