Posted by Kevin Madore on March 13, 2015 
As you note, this car did spend some time at the Lowell National Historical Park, in Lowell, MA. The park's various exhibit sites are scattered around the city's old mill district, and in the park's early years, it became clear that a formal transportation system was needed to get the less mobile visitors back and forth between the venues. This car was leased by the National Park Service for a few years in the early 1980s, and ran on old B&M trackage that was formerly used to delivery fuel and other supplies to the old mill buildings. Later, the Park Service established a system of electric, heritage trolleys for this purpose, and the car was eventually returned to the Strasburg Railroad.
Posted by Kibu on March 13, 2015 
I find it interesting that this coach is double ended, as the majority of Gas Motor coaches only had a cab on one end, with a trailer (which more often than not had the other cab.)
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