Posted by Mike on October 12, 2014 
What a shame! Anyone wanna bet when Corman will be bought out by G&W?
Posted by Curious142 on October 13, 2014 
Very interesting shot. Somebody sure did a fast and thorough job of cleaning up the mess. Only one week after the fire and no evidence of the actual building or its contents (except the locomotives) on this location.
Posted by Fotaugrafee on October 13, 2014 
Doyle, any as-yet indication which units are shown here? Looks like two GP38’s varieties on the right and a GP16 on the left.
Posted by Paul Moore on October 13, 2014 
I have never liked the G&W, and their paint scheme is ugly. long live Corman!
Posted by CW Kotch on October 15, 2014 
I believe it should read "Long Live Conrail!!"
Posted by Steve Larson on October 16, 2014 
Let's just hope that RJ Corman keeps on keeping on. With several RRs they should still be okay.
Posted by Mordy on October 19, 2014 
Great photo and amazing cleanup job... somebody sure takes pride in their operation. I imagine that RJC has insurance, and after all, the shed represents a very small portion of their infrastructure. I'm sure they'll be fine. But wow... that cleanup job...
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