Posted by Troy Staten on April 22, 2014 
Nice shot, steel works are very impressive, not to mention photogenic.
Posted by Janusz Mrozek on April 22, 2014 
Very nice!
Posted by Jeff Youst on April 23, 2014 
I agree with Nick on industrial might. My parents both grew up 30 miles downriver from Pittsburgh. I have many memories of driving (actually just riding as a kid in the 60's) along the river road and passing all the mills that lined the Ohio river. Massive places. At shift change 10,000 men would hit the streets and the bars for their daily shot and a beer. I know, my grandma owned just such an establishment. She had about 30 "Norms" every day! Great picture.
Posted by MatthewHovey on May 29, 2017 
This sir, is one facet of railroading which doesn't get press. Old men busting rear to pay the bills is forgotten lore. Thank you for showing the rest of us what America is built on.
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